Investing in NaNoWriMo’s Future – Goal

From July 6-16, we’re raising money to invest in NaNoWriMo’s future and continue to transform the work that we do to better support our community of writers. Thanks to your incredible support, we doubled our initial goal of $15K to $30K… and now we’ve reached that goal (with additional deep gratitude to Marie Lu and Jarie Bolander for matching your donations up to $5,000 each)! You are amazing.

We’ve Raised: $48,929
Our New Goal: $30,000


Photo of a mountain gray hero's journal, with an inset photo of a NaNoWrimo Word Slayers stickerYour $30 donation will help the nonprofit behind NaNoWriMo improve and grow to bring you year-round writing support, a more inclusive and equitable community, and creative-writing centers in your local neighborhoods.

We’ve now run out of the mountain-gray goal-achieving journal—donated so generously by the folks over at Hero’s Journal—but we’re still offering a limited-edition “Word Slayer” sticker for every donation.

Donate $30 to support a better NaNoWriMo.

Or, become a monthly supporter.