Why support NaNoWriMo on Donation Weekend?

Why support NaNoWriMo on Donation Weekend?

Community. There’s no better (or more critical) time to help our nonprofit programs. We need your support to allow 500,000 people—of all ages and backgrounds—to keep writing with us in 2021.

Donor Gifts. You’ll receive the $50 goodies and “Throwback Pencil” enamel pin for a $25 donation. Or go bigger and give $50 to get the $100 goodies plus pin.

Prizes. You’ll be automatically entered into prize giveaways during the hours you donate (see the full schedule below), as well as the grand prize for each day:

🌟 Saturday, October 30: A year subscription to both the Oakland Book Collective and BLK & Bold!

🌟 Sunday, October 31: 2 ReMarkable Tablets. The tablet that feels like paper!

🌟 Monday, November 1: 5 MasterClass Subscriptions so you can learn from the best!

And don’t worry, we understand that not everyone has the ability to donate at this time. You still have the chance to win one of our awesome prizes! Fill out this raffle for your chance to win! Please remember that this can only be filled out once, these entries will be included with every prize draw!