Adilene Hernández

Adi (she/her/hers) is a queer Latina writer based out of Atlanta, GA. She is currently studying for her MFA in Creative Writing at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) and aspires to study for a PhD in Chicanx Studies or Creative Writing. Currently, she works with marginalized youth in a youth & family center in the westside of Atlanta, and she enjoys decolonizing both her own and her students’ bookshelves.

Outside of work and academia, she can be found traveling both in and out of the country on a regular basis, as she has never been able to stay in one area for very long. She specializes in poetry and fiction and is currently at work on her first novel and poetry collection.

Sujin Headrick

Sujin has participated in NaNoWriMo since 2002. Upon discovering NaNoWriMo’s unique creative community, she dove in and never looked back. Since then she has founded Wikiwrimo, volunteered with the @NaNoWordSprints team, and met hundreds of participants around the world. Hailing from Atlanta, Georgia, she spends her days writing documentation and editing draft three of a past NaNoWriMo novel. In her spare time she enjoys exploring new places and getting lost in books… if the internet doesn’t distract her first.

Deborah Dixon

Deborah Dixon is an author and editor from New Orleans, Louisiana. She is a co-founder of Shalamar, an advocacy company for writers from underrepresented and marginalized communities. She is working on her third novel and currently lives in Northern Virginia with her partner and their dog, Spirit.

Wendy Lu

Wendy Lu is a news editor and reporter at HuffPost, and a global speaker on disability representation in the media. Her work has been featured in The New York Times, Teen Vogue, Refinery29, and Bustle. She also writes contemporary middle-grade fiction and has participated in NaNoWriMo on and off since 2008. Her fiction writing has received support from Paragraph NY and the Mendocino Coast Writers Conference. She is an extreme plotter and Scrivener fan. She is based in Brooklyn, NY.

Candace Floyd

Candace Floyd is a writer and NaNoWriMo evangelist who believes in the power of stories to change lives. A lifelong reader, it wasn’t until picking up Franz Fanon’s Black Skin, White Masks in graduate school that she finally saw her own identity and experience reflected in a book, sparking a passion for representation in literature. Originally from New York State, she now lives and writes in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband and furry mascots.

Jennifer L. Julian

Jennifer L. Julian is an English Professor at Texas Southern University as well as a Teaching Fellow/Lecturer and Doctoral student at the University of Houston. She’s an avid lover of books and her writing focuses on Horror, Fantasy, Romance, and Mystery Thrillers. Jennifer participates in NaNoWriMo and Camp NaNoWriMo every session. She’s also a veteran from the Script Frenzy years. The best way to become friends with her is to have a banging music playlist. All genres should apply!

Tish Bouvier

Tish Bouvier, is a native Houstonian. She’s married to her boyfriend of 29 years and the proud parents of three daughters, two guinea pigs, three dogs, and a handful of fish. She’s a latent writer who discovered a passion for cozy mystery and haiku poetry after retiring from nursing.

Aside from reading or writing, Tish plays with her kid’s Nintendo Switch when they’re in school so she can beat them on the weekends. She enjoys bullet journaling, takes random road trips with her family, and is a coffee enthusiast who collects coffee and mugs from around the world.

Michelle Monárrez

Michelle is a language nerd, professional translator, and sci-fi author looking to deliver stories that bring Hispanic heritage to American settings. Driven by her passion for the written word, Michelle joined NaNoWriMo in 2015 and fell in love with its supportive community and mission. When she doesn’t have her head in interstellar clouds, Michelle loves to help build diverse and inclusive spaces where other writers can thrive and tell their stories.